Ancillary Services

Occupational Therapy

The occupational therapist may provide direct service or consultation for children who have impairments of a fine motor nature.  In addition, students with sensory deficits may be appropriately served by an occupational therapist.  Services may be offered individually or in small groups and are delivered directly or via consultation.  The occupational therapist may also be a member of a multi-disciplinary evaluation team.

Orientation and Mobility Services

The orientation and mobility specialist may be involved in evaluating students who are visually impaired.  In addition, the specialist may provide direct service or consultation for those visually impaired students who need to develop skills to safely move through their environment.

Physical Therapy

The physical therapist may provide direct service or consultation for children who have impairments of a gross motor nature.  Services can be offered individually or in small groups and can be delivered directly or through consultation.  The physical therapist may also be a member of a multi-disciplinary evaluation team.

School Psychologist

The school psychologist's main function is in the evaluation of children who have been referred for an initial evaluation or reevaluation of special education eligibility.  The school psychologist often services as the leader of the multi-disciplinary evaluation team assigned to evaluate a child.  In addition, the school psychologist provides insight into learning styles, accommodations, strengths/weaknesses, etc. for classroom teachers and parents.

School Social Work

The school social worker may provide direct service to eligible students in need of support in the affective area.  Through play, individual discussion or group experiences, children can develop better understanding of feelings and improve relations with others.  Also, the school social worker may consult with staff and parents regarding behavior, emotions and other issues.  In addition, the school social worker may be a member of a multi-disciplinary team in the evaluation of a student.

Speech and Language Therapy

The speech and language therapist may provide direct service or consultation for children who have articulation, fluency or language impairments.  Services may be provided individually, in groups or with an entire class as in deemed appropriate.  In addition, the therapist participates in evaluations of children and provides consultation to classroom teachers and parents.

Teacher Consultant

Teacher consultants (TC's) serve as part of the diagnostic team; evaluating students, assisting in planning programs and in consulting with teachers.  In some incidents, TC's also provide instruction to students with impairments who are enrolled full time in regular education.  Students of any eligibility category might be served through the TC model.  TC's cannot teach a subject or give grades, but are primarily responsible for remediation, study skills or coordinating the student's program.  Providing support to the regular education or special education teacher is also part of the TC's responsibility.  Students who receive the support services of a TC graduate through the regular education course of study.

LaFeldt, Jodi
Assistant Superintendent of Special Education
Chelsey Gietzen